The King Louis-style bank was built on the site of several shops. The properties were acquired by the National Provincial Bank during 1916–20. The Brighton Gazette had occupied 155a North Street since 1910, when its long-time home at number 150 was converted into the Cinema de Luxe. Published by William James Towner, the paper’s full title was the Brighton Gazette, Hove Post and Sussex Telegraph. The Gazette later incorporated the Brighton Herald and published its final edition on 25 June 1981.

A portrait and text about the Prince of Wales

The text reads: The Prince of Wales, later George IV, visited Brighton in 1783 with his friends. This was the beginning of the growth of the town as a resort. Supported by the 1750 treatise of Dr Richard Russel extolling the health-giving benefits of bathing in seawater.

An illustration and text about John ‘Smoaker’ Miles

The text reads: John ‘Smoaker’ Miles was a ‘bather’ helping gentlemen in and out of the sea. In this role he became a devoted friend of the Prince of Wales. He is said to have pulled the prince back by the ear when he thought he was straying too far from the shore, and once even walked into London to enquire about His Royal Highness’s illness. He was a frequent visitor to the marine pavilion, and the prince named a racehorse after him and also introduced the Smoaker Stakes to Brighton races in 1806. Miles died at the age of 74 in February 1794 and was buried by the west wall of St Nicholas’s churchyard. His portrait, painted by John Russell in 1791, hangs in the King’s Apartments of the Royal Pavilion.

External photograph of the building – main entrance