This pub is closed permanently. Your nearest Wetherspoon pub: Hunters Hall, Galashiels

This pub is situated in Northgate which, for centuries, was the main route north out of Peebles. It is the town’s oldest inn. The triangular plaque above the ‘modern pedimented porch’ bears the date 1693. In 1867, the L-shaped three-storey building was described as the Cross Keys Inn and ‘approached from the Northgate through an arch into a courtyard’.

Prints, a photograph and a plaque about The Cross Keys.

The plaque reads: The oldest inn in Peebles, The Cross Keys, was a favourite haunt of Sir Walter Scott and is featured in several of his novels. The original landlady, Marion Ritchie, was the prototype of Meg Dodds, who still it is believed, benevolently haunts the inn.

A photograph of station staff on the platform of North British Railway Station in Dean Park, Peebles.

The historical plaque above the pub’s entrance.

A statue of Sir Walter Scott in the garden.

External photograph of the building – main entrance.