Autumn real-ale festival

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Wetherspoon’s autumn real-ale festival will feature up to 30 ales, with five international brewers and 25 ales new to Wetherspoon.
A selection of real ales, including five from overseas brewers, will be available at Wetherspoon’s pubs during its 12-day real-ale festival.
The pubs will host the festival during Wednesday 11 – Sunday 22 October, inclusive.
The overseas brewers are from Canada, USA, South Africa and the Czech Republic.
Among the festival collection are vegan (also suitable for vegetarians), as well as gluten-free beers. You can find these using the customer information screens in all pubs and on the Wetherspoon app and website.
Tasting notes on all of the beers will be available in the pub as part of the festival magazine. A digital version of the magazine will be available on the Wetherspoon app and website.
All ales will be available to order at the bar or via the Wetherspoon app.
Prices may vary per pub.